AMA SAMY is a Zen Master with his unique style and teaching. He stands between Christianity, Hinduism, and Buddhism. He is also deeply rooted in the humanistic disciplines. His teaching calls you to transcend yourself and be transformed; to acknowledge your humanity and your freedom; to dwell in Bud..
₹451 ₹475
Zen Heart, Zen Mind is a compilation of various talks
('dharma talks' in the Zen tradition) delivered by Zen
Master AMA Samy to his students during periods of
intensive Zen practice.
Addressing beginners as well as advanced practitioners on
the Way, the book gives a full taste of Zen, with emphasis ..
₹375 ₹395
ZEN: Awakening To Your Original FaceIn this new book, AMA Samy describes the essential dimensions of Awakening. “Awakening is itself beyond discursive explanations and descriptions. But without language and understanding, the experience of Awakening will be lost like water poured on desert sands. La..
₹333 ₹350
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