What does the life come from and where does it go? What is beyond the changing? What are we striving for? Osho goes into the depths of these eternal questions while speaking on the sutras of the Isha Upanishad -the most ancient words of wisdom available to mankind. For over 35 years, Osho spoke to i..
₹379 ₹399
To be able to celebrate life is religion — in that very celebration you come close to God. If one is able to celebrate, God is not far away; if one is not able to celebrate life, then God does not exist for him. God appears only in deep celebration, when you are so full of joy, that all misery has l..
₹428 ₹450
OSHO continues to inspire millions of people worldwide in their search to define a new approach to individual spirituality that is self-directed and responds to the everyday challenges of contemporary life. His unique perspective encompasses both the timeless wisdom of the East and the highest poten..
₹379 ₹399
Talks on Ko Husain's the Classics of Purity, Tao seems to be the only life vision which is total. It does not deny the earth, it does not deny the sky. It accepts both, it accepts the unity of both. It says the man who has come to know spontaneous purity and stillness, who has become relaxed with th..
₹333 ₹350
In The Art of Dying, Osho talks about how to live a rewarding life so that every individual can experience and accept death as a completion of a life well lived. He explains that fear of death exists only when there are regrets. When life is lived consciously and to the full, death is not a catastro..
“IF WE WANT MANKIND TO BECOME HEALTHY; if we want the terrorism that is increasing everywhere and becoming more and more explosive and violent to end; if we want the flames of fire to turn into flowers, then there is only one way. That way is called samadhi, enlightenment. Become natural, become ord..
₹333 ₹350
In The First Principle Osho captures the unique, colorful, seemingly-crazy spirit of Zen through talks on a collection of Zen stories – anecdotes of the often-bizarre interchanges between a master and disciple in the quest for truth. From these anecdotes, Osho distills Zen’s pragmatic essence for ..
₹333 ₹350
This quest has been going on for countless lives. Sometimes you call it the search for truth. But you have never known truth, so how can you lose it? And sometimes you search for God. But your meeting with Him has never taken place, so how can you be separated from Him? You go in search to the templ..
₹333 ₹350
This book is a pilgrimage in search of that indefinable something that all of us, at some time or other in our lives, feel is missing – what Osho describes as our “hidden splendor.” “You go on missing something – something that you had known but you have forgotten – a faded memory, a lost remembranc..
₹379 ₹399
The last morning star symbolizes all that is ephemeral in the world. Talking on the playful and provocative poetry of Daya, Osho takes us on a journey from the transient, outer world to the eternal, boundless world within. This is a journey of the heart – the joyous, spontaneous, and at times uncomp..
₹379 ₹399
This question and answer book tells a true story of great trust, love, and humor between Osho and those who have gathered around him again after a long separation. Fresh from their adventures and experiences as seekers alone in the marketplace, this book is full of genuine, pertinent questions and e..
₹474 ₹499
Here are words like fire from a truly rebellious man. Here is a book for TODAY, a much-needed declaration that for humans, there is hope, there is a way forward! “Awake and claim your birthright. Religion is not anybody’s monopoly, it is everybody’s birthright. It has no name, no church, no organiza..
₹428 ₹450