A NAME IS A LABEL for a specific person, place or thing. They serve several purposes. Most important they help distinguish us from one another. Imagine how difficult it would be to refer to people if we did not use names. The study of names is called onomastics and all names almost have an etymologi..
₹379 ₹399
This fascinating book of M.V. Kamath helps to answer the most crucial question of existence “What is the meaning of death?” Drawing from the wisdom of major religions and cultures of the East and West, he presents a clear, highly, informative study on the experience of Life and Death. Included are t..
₹238 ₹250
SAI BABA OF SHIRDI IS A PHENOMENON. In all of India’s history, there has never been another like him. He is not a conventional saint. He wrote no critique of the Bhagvad Gita or the Upanishads or any other holy work. He made no pretensions to scholarship yet he had a profound insight into both Hindu..
₹474 ₹499
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