The world is that way deceptive the deceiving politicians the money minded if you are not properly educated you will just slip into it so what is education? is it to help you fit in to the mechanism of the present order or disorder of things?..
₹280 ₹295
As Krishnamurti emphasizes in his opening remarks his chief if not sole concern is that it is the educator who needs educating by which he means that the true teacher is not one who merely imparts information he must first be rooted in self knowledge and committed to bringing about a radical change ..
₹95 ₹100
If ever we are to understand ourselves says Krishnamurti we must look at the state of the world with all its violence and conflict to turn away from world events is for him not to be alive to what life has to teach us...
₹185 ₹195
I wrote a krishnamurthi's notebook as a diary while i was traveling but i did not write it for publishing i describe what i call the process my sensations of being the ordinary world of being completely at peace and removed from conflict...
₹280 ₹295
Is it possible to live a life without conflict in the modern world with all the strain, struggle, pressure and influences in the social structure ?..
₹185 ₹195
On fear is one of a series of theme books compiled from the talks writings and dialogues of j krishnamurti
can a human being totally eradicate fear can we do anything or nothing ?..
₹185 ₹195
To me freedom is absolutely necessary freedom at the beginning in the middle and at the end and the freedom is denied when i carry a problem over to the next day this means that i have not only to discover how the problem arises...
₹185 ₹195
To understand death you have to understand life but life is not the continuity of thought it is this very continuity that has bred all our can the mind bring death from the distant to the immediate?..
₹185 ₹195
On love and loneliness is the another volume of the theme series is a compelling investigation of our intimate relationships with ourselves others and society Krishnamurti suggests thaat true relationship cam come in to being only when there is self knowledge of the conditions...
₹185 ₹195
If we are concerned with our own lives if we understand our relationship with others we will have created a new society otherwise we will but perpetuate the present chaotic mess and confusion...
₹185 ₹195
The way of intelligence consists of a series of dialogues on ancient Indian religious and philosophical themes. the idea of causality of a guru as a spiritual guide of the spiritual path and of the goal of the search for liberation and of sadhana or the right means thereto are all the dealt with in ..
₹133 ₹140
1973 ஆம் ஆண்டு செப்டம்பர் மாதத்தில் கிருஷ்ணமூர்த்தி தமது கருத்துகளை திடீரென்று நாளேட்டில் பதியத் தொடங்கிணார் குற்ப்புப் புத்தகத்தில் கருத்துகளை பதிவது ஏறக்குறைய ஆறு வாரங்களுக்கு நாள்தோறும் நடந்தது. ஒவ்வொரு குறிப்பும் அவர் நெருங்கி உறவாடிய ஏதோவொரு இநற்கைக் காட்சியின் விவரிப்புடன் தொடங்கியபோதிலும் மூன..
₹105 ₹110
Showing 1 to 12 of 12 (1 Pages)