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Become a Key Person of Influence

Become a Key Person of Influence
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Become a Key Person of Influence
Daniel Priestley (ஆசிரியர்)
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புத்தகம் இருப்பில் இல்லை என்றால் 10 தினங்களுக்குள் பணம் திருப்பித் தரப்படும்.
EVERY INDUSTRY HAS KEY PEOPLE OF INFLUENCE • Their names come up in conversation… for all the right reasons • They attract opportunities… the right sort • They earn more money… and it isn’t a struggle Key People of Influence also have more fun. They get invited on trips away, people buy them dinner, they are treated with respect and others listen when they speak. You may think it takes years, or even decades, to become a Key Person of Influence – this book shows, nothing could be further from the truth. BECOMING A KEY PERSON OF INFLUENCE IN YOUR INDUSTRY STARTS TODAY! How did DANIEL PRIESTLEY get invited into the inner circles of the toughest city in the world so rapidly?
Book Details
Book Title Become a Key Person of Influence (Become A Key Person Of Influence Daniel Priestley)
Author Daniel Priestley (Daniel Priestley)
ISBN 9788184954753
Publisher ஜெய்கோ பப்ளிஷிங் ஹவுஸ் (jaico publishing house)
Pages 188
Year 2013

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