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நியூ செஞ்சுரி புக் ஹவுஸ்

Islamic Art and Culture of india
-5 %
India has the rare concentration of the artistic expressions of three major religions: Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam, patronized by people of vision and artistic taste cultivated over generations The last three great Muslim empires, the Safavids of Iran, Ottomans of Turkey and the Mughals of India v..
₹855 ₹900
Marx and Ambedkar Continuing the Dialogue
-5 %
There are two important strains running through the book — one is to trace Ambedkar’s own views on Marxism and the second is to study interplay of concepts of caste and class. Marxism is essentially a European theory written in an atmosphere shorn off the complexities of the caste system and communi..
₹285 ₹300
New Century's Shakespeare The Tempest
-4 %
New Century's Shakespeare The TempestShakespeare’s plays - be they Comedy or Tragedy - have profound messages for Mankind. One of his much acclaimed plays ‘The Tempest’ is no exception. With its lively characters and dialogues The Tempest, as befittting the title, is a gripping drama. We can even ..
₹67 ₹70
Showing 13 to 24 of 1651 (138 Pages)