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The Vicious Case of the Viral Vaccine

The Vicious Case of the Viral Vaccine
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The Vicious Case of the Viral Vaccine
Pendred Noyce & Roberta Baxter (ஆசிரியர்)
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புத்தகம் இருப்பில் இல்லை என்றால் 10 தினங்களுக்குள் பணம் திருப்பித் தரப்படும்.
Galactic Academy of Science Series Will Mae and Clintion return in time to uncover a vicious plot involving the new vaccine? MAE AND CLINTION are fighting about whether a new vaccine is safe. But when protests against the vaccine threaten to turn violent, Selectra Volt insists that the two middle schoolers go on a mission together to find the truth. Mae and Clinton travel through time from ancient India to Europe, Australia, and North America. They witness the fight against smallpox, rabies, polio, and other viral illnesses as they visit Louis Pasteur, Jonas Salk, Macfarlane Burnet, Maurice Hilleman, and Andrew Wakefield.
Book Details
Book Title The Vicious Case of the Viral Vaccine (The Vicious Case Of The Viral Vaccine)
Author Pendred Noyce & Roberta Baxter (Pendred Noyce & Roberta Baxter)
ISBN 9788184955965
Publisher ஜெய்கோ பப்ளிஷிங் ஹவுஸ் (jaico publishing house)
Pages 156
Year 2014

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