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Hermann Hesse (ஆசிரியர்)
Novel | நாவல்
- Year: 2016
- ISBN: 9788184958591
- Page: 172
- Language: English
- Publisher: Jaico Publishing House | ஜெய்கோ பப்ளிஷிங் ஹவுஸ்
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புத்தகம் இருப்பில் இல்லை என்றால் 10 தினங்களுக்குள் பணம் திருப்பித் தரப்படும்.
Siddhartha, a young man, leaves his family for a contemplative life but soon becomes restless and discards it for pleasures of the flesh. He is quickly bored and sickened by the unending lust and greed, moves on again. Near despair, he comes to a river where he hears a unique sound. This sound signals the true beginning of his life – the beginning of suffering, rejection, peace and, finally, wisdom Hermann Hesse’s beautiful rendition of the journey of a young man during the times of the great Gautam Buddha is not just an evocative piece of art but also a work of mystery offered to the reader to solve for himself.
Book Details | |
Book Title | Siddhartha (Siddhartha ) |
Author | Hermann Hesse (Hermann Hesse) |
ISBN | 9788184958591 |
Publisher | ஜெய்கோ பப்ளிஷிங் ஹவுஸ் (jaico publishing house) |
Pages | 172 |
Year | 2016 |
Category | Novel | நாவல் |