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The Great Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

The Great Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
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The Great Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Donald Thomas (ஆசிரியர்)
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புத்தகம் இருப்பில் இல்லை என்றால் 10 தினங்களுக்குள் பணம் திருப்பித் தரப்படும்.
Holmes returns!—in five ingenious new novellalength tales featuring the Great Detective. Once again the game is afoot, in these highly original stories featuring Sherlock Holmes at the height of his powers. Crossing historical fact with inventive fiction, the master of pastiche Donald Thomas plunges Holmes into London’s Siege of Sidney Street, where he ratiocinates alongside Winston Churchill in obstructing an anarchist’s assassination plot led by ‘Peter the Painter.’ In the next adventure, Holmes and Watson are confounded by the Riddle of the Zimmerman Telegram during World War I, as Holmes must employ all his wits to defeat a plan for a German-led invasion of the United States. In other mystifying tales of detection, Sherlock Holmes searches for the treasures of King John, lost in 1216. Foiling a foul extortion attempt, Holmes and Watson aid in discovering Lord Byron’s epic poem evoking his secret journey to Virginia. Finally the great detective, in a bravura performance, confronts a supernatural curse in “Lord Arthur Savile’s Crime.”
Book Details
Book Title The Great Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (The Great Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes)
Author Donald Thomas (Donald Thomas)
ISBN 9788184955019
Publisher ஜெய்கோ பப்ளிஷிங் ஹவுஸ் (jaico publishing house)
Pages 336
Year 2013

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